

Frequently Asked Questions

Our fragrances are replicas of the high end designer brands that we all know and love. Whilst our aim is to recreate their scents to be as close as possible, its important to note that perfumes and aftershaves bought at the Echo Fragrances store are NOT in any way associated with any other brand/manufacturer, and each distinctive fragrance is owned by the respective designer brand/manufacturer.

As you may already know, perfumes and aftershaves come in different strengths. The strength will be determined by the percentage of Perfume oil in comparison to the amount of ethanol or other fillers. Most designer brands will use between a 5-30% concentration of parfum oil, and could last up to 8 hours.

Echo Fragrances have our fragrances made to meet a 45-50% concentration, and are designed to last up to 16 hours.

We offer delivery to anywhere in Australia, and we aim to dispatch within 24 hours on weekdays. Estimated delivery times are 2-4 business days, though can be longer in regional or remote areas. If you have not received your order within 10 business days, please contact us immediately.

Echo Fragrances are proud to offer a 14 day money back guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply email us at hello@echofragrances.com.au and we can help you arrange your return

If your order has been damaged in transit, please take a photo and send to hello@echofragrances.com.au with your receipt number immediately. We will then issue a refund or send you out a replacement.

Because of the high concentration of perfume oils, we recommend that all perfumes or aftershaves above a 20% concentration (includes all Eau De Parfums) are not sprayed directly onto clothing. We recommend that you spray directly onto your sk

Yes, our products are 100% Vegan, and we do NOT test on animals.